2023 Microlessons on equitable learning design practices

Project overview

Figure 1. Image description: A panel collage of 7 numbered microlesson projects with a plus sign at the end. There is text that says "The Rumie Initative".

Summary: This "Equitable learning design practices" course series is a transformative instructional design project that is geared towards empowering educators and learning designer to foster inclusive and equitable learning environments. This series of microlessons gives trainees essential background, tools, strategies and actionable steps to cultivate sense of belonging to ensure equitable opportunities for learners, such as embracing (neuro)diversity. Let's create a ripple effect of a world with a more compassionate and just learning system that positively impacts trainees' lives for future generations to come. 


Key success indicator (KSI)


Target audience

Equitable learning design practices course series

How do I apply JEDI practices to instructional design?

Learn about Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) practices for instructional design:

A close-up image of a masculine-presenting person with medium skin tone is using a tablet and smart pen to view a lesson titled "How do I apply JEDI practices to instructional design?"

How do I create accessible learning design?

It's never to late to learn how to create accessible learning designs by:

A close-up image of a masculine-presenting person with light skin-tone holding a tablet screen showing a lesson on "How do I create accessible learning design?" in front of a meeting of smiling people. On the screen, a graphic image shows two people using hand sign language.

Create accessible worksheets for learners

Practical steps to ensure accessibility for class worksheets by:

A close-up of a feminine-presenting person with dark melanated skin is holding a white tablet with a screen showing "Create accessible worksheets for your students" web page lesson. There are worksheets on the desk in the background.

How do I support autistic learners?

Teachers learn about the experiences their autistic learner by:

A close-up of a feminine-presenting person with medium skin tone with a tablet on their lap and the screen showing "How do I support autistic learners?" on a webpage. Their right hand is holding a stylus.

How do I support learners with a visual impairment?

Support learners with a visual impairment and what you can do with:

Close-up image of a masculine-presenting person holding a touch phone. The screen shows a mini course on "How do I support learners with a visual impairment?" with an image of 3 diverse, smiling people with varying disabilities celebrating life in the city with their assistive technologies.

How do I support a student with dyscalculia (dyslexia for numbers)?

Become a support-hero for students with dyscalculia through:

A close-up of the hands of a feminine-presenting person with dark melanated skin viewing a phone touch screen page of a course lesson titled "How do I support a student with dyscalculia (dyslexia for numbers)? The screen image is of a frustrated person giving up on a math problem.

Help high school students understand DNA structure

Fun and engaging activities to instruct on DNA structure by:

A close-up of a masculine-presenting person with medium skin tone is holding a touchscreen phone showing a course titled "Help high school students understand DNA structure in 4 steps".

Help students understand the 4 stages of mitosis

Tips on how teachers can make mitosis more appealing through: 

A close-up of a feminine-presenting person with arm tattoos looking at a tablet screen on their lap that shows a lesson titled "Help students understand the 4 stages of mitosis in 4 steps".
Note: The content in these lessons are for educational purposes only.