2023 Onboarding training: Workplace disability awareness
Project overview
Summary: This onboarding course on disability awareness at the workplace was created for a biotechnology supply company to train new employees on specific language for talking about disability topics on-the-job. With realistic narrative-based scenarios, terms, flashcards, and do's and don'ts, this course equips adult learners with the basics on how to respectfully navigate work conversations about disabilities.
Instructional design (ID)
Research-based statistics
Slide design presentation
Narrative-based scenarios
Interactive flashcards
Key Success Indicator (KSI)
Decreases in number of disability-related complaints sent to Human Resources
Design: Canva
Learning Management System: Articulate Rise 360
Accessibility: Color contrast checker
Collaboration: Slack, Google Drive
Target audience
Updated onboarding training for new and current employees
These resources were very helpful in this project!
Freepik images - Great images that provided diverse people from all over the world with different identities. All images were by storyset on Freepik.
Articulate Global, LLC. (2023). Articulate Rise 360. Rise.articulate.com. https://rise.articulate.com/
Canva. (2023). Canva Smartmockups. Canva.com; Canva. https://www.canva.com
W3C. (2018, June 5). Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. W3.org. https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/